


現時三片都已設有專屬  Facebook group 



「聯合製片人」共 36 人:
1. Jack Raymond
2. 毛俊峰
3. 吳嘉汶
4. Chan Man Wai
5. Elbe Lau
6. 張鐵樑
7. George Tsang
8. 黃遠峯
9. 羅潔儀
10. (不公開)
11. 蔡嘉儀
12. 朗舒
13. 江晉毅
14. Rhine L.
15. Judy Chui
16. 林輝
17. 劉倩怡
18. 管中祥
19. 趙大榮
20. Ryan
21. 李皓泓
22. Martin Leung
23. Vivian Lee
24. 呂筱華
25. 李樂然
26. Kathy Chan
27. 李慧蘭
28. (不公開)
29. Xavier Tam
30. 歐陽檉
31. 張裕彪
32. 謝振鈿
33. 郭英東
34. Jenkin Suen
35. Anny Leung
36. 麥曦茵
37. 劉澤深
38. 小芸


「聯合製片人」共 43 名:
1. Jack Raymond
2. 林欣樂
3. Andrew Leung
4. 周思中
5. 張鐵樑
6. 謝妙思
7. 羅潔儀
8. Duff
9. 蔡嘉儀
10. 朗舒
11. 江晉毅
12. (不公開)
13. (不公開)
14. 林輝
15. 管中祥
16. 趙大榮
17. 黃浩然
18. 鄺珮詩
19. 曾翠珊
20. 麥海珊
21. Martin Leung
22. Vivian Lee
23. 呂筱華
24. 林家威
25. Human Fan
26. Xavier Tam
27. 歐陽檉
28. 張裕彪
29. Lee Yui Chuen
30. 亞珠
31. 郭詠薇
32. Doris Wong
33. 李俊妮
34. 蘇麗嬋
35. 劉建明
36. 鄭慧瑩
37. (不公開)
38. George Tsang
39. Jenkin Suen
40. Anny Leung
41. 黃永雄
42. 黃靜
43. Derek Ng
44. 李思睩


「聯合製片人」共 43 名:
1. Jack Raymond
2. Elbe Lau
3. 郭力昕
4. 管中祥
5. 張鐵樑
6. Terence Ho
7. 蔡玉玲
8. Mette Hjort
9. 陳景輝
10. 蔡嘉儀
11. 朗舒
12. 林輝
13. 吳國偉
14. 劉劍玲
15. 淋漓
16. 淋浪
17. 趙大榮
18. 小丁
19. 何綺雯
20. 李家欣
21. 李安欣
22. Martin Leung
23. 呂筱華
24. 何麗敏
25. 李思惠
26. 林依玲
27. (不公開)
28. 陳允中
29. 歐陽檉
30. 張裕彪
31. 馬智恆
32. 徐岱靈
33. 尹凱榮
34. 潘藹婷
35. 劉建明
36. George Tsang
37. 郭英東
38. 周誌遠
39. Jenkin Suen
40. Anny Leung
41. Arko Chan
42. (不公開)
43. Fanny Kwan
44. 李思睩
45. Doris Kan




本計劃之詳細介紹 (載有捐款方法)





現時三片都已設有專屬  Facebook group 



「聯合製片人」共 36 人:
1. Jack Raymond
2. 毛俊峰
3. 吳嘉汶
4. Chan Man Wai
5. Elbe Lau
6. 張鐵樑
7. George Tsang
8. 黃遠峯
9. 羅潔儀
10. (不公開)
11. 蔡嘉儀
12. 朗舒
13. 江晉毅
14. Rhine L.
15. Judy Chui
16. 林輝
17. 劉倩怡
18. 管中祥
19. 趙大榮
20. Ryan
21. 李皓泓
22. Martin Leung
23. Vivian Lee
24. 呂筱華
25. 李樂然
26. Kathy Chan
27. 李慧蘭
28. (不公開)
29. Xavier Tam
30. 歐陽檉
31. 張裕彪
32. 謝振鈿
33. 郭英東
34. Jenkin Suen
35. Anny Leung
36. 麥曦茵


「聯合製片人」共 43 名:
1. Jack Raymond
2. 林欣樂
3. Andrew Leung
4. 周思中
5. 張鐵樑
6. 謝妙思
7. 羅潔儀
8. Duff
9. 蔡嘉儀
10. 朗舒
11. 江晉毅
12. (不公開)
13. (不公開)
14. 林輝
15. 管中祥
16. 趙大榮
17. 黃浩然
18. 鄺珮詩
19. 曾翠珊
20. 麥海珊
21. Martin Leung
22. Vivian Lee
23. 呂筱華
24. 林家威
25. Human Fan
26. Xavier Tam
27. 歐陽檉
28. 張裕彪
29. Lee Yui Chuen
30. 亞珠
31. 郭詠薇
32. Doris Wong
33. 李俊妮
34. 蘇麗嬋
35. 劉建明
36. 鄭慧瑩
37. (不公開)
38. George Tsang
39. Jenkin Suen
40. Anny Leung
41. 黃永雄
42. 黃靜
43. Derek Ng


「聯合製片人」共 43 名:
1. Jack Raymond
2. Elbe Lau
3. 郭力昕
4. 管中祥
5. 張鐵樑
6. Terence Ho
7. 蔡玉玲
8. Mette Hjort
9. 陳景輝
10. 蔡嘉儀
11. 朗舒
12. 林輝
13. 吳國偉
14. 劉劍玲
15. 淋漓
16. 淋浪
17. 趙大榮
18. 小丁
19. 何綺雯
20. 李家欣
21. 李安欣
22. Martin Leung
23. 呂筱華
24. 何麗敏
25. 李思惠
26. 林依玲
27. (不公開)
28. 陳允中
29. 歐陽檉
30. 張裕彪
31. 馬智恆
32. 徐岱靈
33. 尹凱榮
34. 潘藹婷
35. 劉建明
36. George Tsang
37. 郭英東
38. 周誌遠
39. Jenkin Suen
40. Anny Leung
41. Arko Chan
42. (不公開)
43. Fanny Kwan




本計劃之詳細介紹 (載有捐款方法):



8月17日「華人民間電影集資計劃」最新籌款數字 - 林森、陳浩倫每人尚欠約二千元捐款即可開拍!




盧鎮業《金妹》$32,714 (歡迎繼續捐助)

1. Jack Raymond
2. 毛俊峰
3. 吳嘉汶
4. Chan Man Wai
5. Elbe Lau
6. 張鐵樑
7. George Tsang
8. 黃遠峯
9. 羅潔儀
10. (不公開)
11. 蔡嘉儀
12. 朗舒
13. 江晉毅
14. Rhine L.
15. Judy Chui
16. 林輝
17. 劉倩怡
18. 管中祥
19. 趙大榮
20. Ryan
21. 李皓泓
22. Martin Leung
23. Vivian Lee
24. 呂筱華
25. 李樂然
26. Kathy Chan
27. 李慧蘭
28. (不公開)
29. Xavier Tam
30. 歐陽檉
31. 張裕彪
32. 謝振鈿

林森《一路走來》$28,145 - 尚欠約$2,000即可達標開拍!

1. Jack Raymond
2. 林欣樂
3. Andrew Leung
4. 周思中
5. 張鐵樑
6. 謝妙思
7. 羅潔儀
8. Duff
9. 蔡嘉儀
10. 朗舒
11. 江晉毅
12. (不公開)
13. (不公開)
14. 林輝
15. 管中祥
16. 趙大榮
17. 黃浩然
18. 鄺珮詩
19. 曾翠珊
20. 麥海珊
21. Martin Leung
22. Vivian Lee
23. 呂筱華
24. 林家威
25. Human Fan
26. Xavier Tam
27. 歐陽檉
28. 張裕彪
29. Lee Yui Chuen
30. 亞珠
31. 郭詠薇
32. Doris Wong
33. 李俊妮
34. 蘇麗嬋
35. 劉建明
36. 鄭慧瑩
37. (不公開)

陳浩倫《美好生活》$28,346 - 尚欠約$2,000即可達標開拍!

1. Jack Raymond
2. Elbe Lau
3. 郭力昕
4. 管中祥
5. 張鐵樑
6. Terence Ho
7. 蔡玉玲
8. Mette Hjort
9. 陳景輝
10. 蔡嘉儀
11. 朗舒
12. 林輝
13. 吳國偉
14. 劉劍玲
15. 淋漓
16. 淋浪
17. 趙大榮
18. 小丁
19. 何綺雯
20. 李家欣
21. 李安欣
22. Martin Leung
23. 呂筱華
24. 何麗敏
25. 李思惠
26. 林依玲
27. (不公開)
28. 陳允中
29. 歐陽檉
30. 張裕彪
31. 馬智恆
32. 徐岱靈
33. 尹凱榮
34. 潘藹婷
35. 劉建明




本計劃之詳細介紹 (載有捐款方法):





盧鎮業《金妹》$32,714 (歡迎繼續捐助)

1. Jack Raymond
2. 毛俊峰
3. 吳嘉汶
4. Chan Man Wai
5. Elbe Lau
6. 張鐵樑
7. George Tsang
8. 黃遠峯
9. 羅潔儀
10. (不公開)
11. 蔡嘉儀
12. 朗舒
13. 江晉毅
14. Rhine L.
15. Judy Chui
16. 林輝
17. 劉倩怡
18. 管中祥
19. 趙大榮
20. Ryan
21. 李皓泓
22. Martin Leung
23. Vivian Lee
24. 呂筱華
25. 李樂然
26. Kathy Chan
27. 李慧蘭
28. (不公開)
29. Xavier Tam
30. 歐陽檉
31. 張裕彪
32. 謝振鈿


1. Jack Raymond
2. 林欣樂
3. Andrew Leung
4. 周思中
5. 張鐵樑
6. 謝妙思
7. 羅潔儀
8. Duff
9. 蔡嘉儀
10. 朗舒
11. 江晉毅
12. (不公開)
13. (不公開)
14. 林輝
15. 管中祥
16. 趙大榮
17. 黃浩然
18. 鄺珮詩
19. 曾翠珊
20. 麥海珊
21. Martin Leung
22. Vivian Lee
23. 呂筱華
24. 林家威
25. Human Fan
26. Xavier Tam
27. 歐陽檉
28. 張裕彪
29. Lee Yui Chuen
30. 亞珠
31. 郭詠薇
32. Doris Wong
33. 李俊妮
34. 蘇麗嬋


1. Jack Raymond
2. Elbe Lau
3. 郭力昕
4. 管中祥
5. 張鐵樑
6. Terence Ho
7. 蔡玉玲
8. Mette Hjort
9. 陳景輝
10. 蔡嘉儀
11. 朗舒
12. 林輝
13. 吳國偉
14. 劉劍玲
15. 淋漓
16. 淋浪
17. 趙大榮
18. 小丁
19. 何綺雯
20. 李家欣
21. 李安欣
22. Martin Leung
23. 呂筱華
24. 何麗敏
25. 李思惠
26. 林依玲
27. (不公開)
28. 陳允中
29. 歐陽檉
30. 張裕彪
31. 馬智恆
32. 徐岱靈
33. 尹凱榮




本計劃之詳細介紹 (載有捐款方法):





盧鎮業《金妹》$32,714 (歡迎繼續捐助)

1. Jack Raymond
2. 毛俊峰
3. 吳嘉汶
4. Chan Man Wai
5. Elbe Lau
6. 張鐵樑
7. George Tsang
8. 黃遠峯
9. 羅潔儀
10. (不公開)
11. 蔡嘉儀
12. 朗舒
13. 江晉毅
14. Rhine L.
15. Judy Chui
16. 林輝
17. 劉倩怡
18. 管中祥
19. 趙大榮
20. Ryan
21. 李皓泓
22. Martin Leung
23. Vivian Lee
24. 呂筱華
25. 李樂然
26. Kathy Chan
27. 李慧蘭
28. (不公開)
29. Xavier Tam
30. 歐陽檉
31. 張裕彪
32. 謝振鈿


1. Jack Raymond
2. 林欣樂
3. Andrew Leung
4. 周思中
5. 張鐵樑
6. 謝妙思
7. 羅潔儀
8. Duff
9. 蔡嘉儀
10. 朗舒
11. 江晉毅
12. (不公開)
13. (不公開)
14. 林輝
15. 管中祥
16. 趙大榮
17. 黃浩然
18. 鄺珮詩
19. 曾翠珊
20. 麥海珊
21. Martin Leung
22. Vivian Lee
23. 呂筱華
24. 林家威
25. Human Fan
26. Xavier Tam
27. 歐陽檉
28. 張裕彪
29. Lee Yui Chuen
30. 亞珠


1. Jack Raymond
2. Elbe Lau
3. 郭力昕
4. 管中祥
5. 張鐵樑
6. Terence Ho
7. 蔡玉玲
8. Mette Hjort
9. 陳景輝
10. 蔡嘉儀
11. 朗舒
12. 林輝
13. 吳國偉
14. 劉劍玲
15. 淋漓
16. 淋浪
17. 趙大榮
18. 小丁
19. 何綺雯
20. 李家欣
21. 李安欣
22. Martin Leung
23. 呂筱華
24. 何麗敏
25. 李思惠
26. 林依玲
27. (不公開)
28. 陳允中
29. 歐陽檉
30. 張裕彪
31. 馬智恆




本計劃之詳細介紹 (載有捐款方法):


Chinese Independent Filmmaking Fundraising Project (CIFFP)

During the Hong Kong Independent Film Festival 2011-12, Ying E Chi inaugurated a fund raising initiative to support the work of progressive Hong Kong filmmakers.

Across the arts, creativity often finds itself surrendering to the will of investors or granting organizations. Films produced under such conditions have the tendency to pander to mass-market tastes and valuations, and often lack the critical apparatus required to address crucial social issues. In this current model, consumerism becomes the arbiter of taste, and viewers searching for complex and groundbreaking work find themselves with regrettably few choices. 

We believe that the nature of film necessarily extends beyond product placement and mainstream culture. Across the Hong Kong film industry, there is an obvious lack of representation and reflection on contemporary real-world issues, and in those few films that do reference social issues, it is done so in an extremely superficial way and the issues are relegated to the background of the story. We believe that independent films should exist beyond the unifying trend of mainstream productions and investor dividends to address and reflect on a range of social issues.

With this vision in mind, the “Chinese Independent Film Fundraising Project (CIFFP)” has been established to promote the work of young filmmakers. Funds raised through the project will allow each artist to produce a short film, and the project’s ultimate goal is to bring together people with a shared vision in working towards a more vibrant local visual culture, and at the same time to provide audiences with an alternative and to enrich the scope of locally based film projects.

Your support is vital to creating this community and to forwarding the work. The inaugural group of filmmakers includes Lo Chun Yip, Lam Sam and Chan Ho Lun. Each film requires at least HK$30,000 to cover production costs. The deadline for this first round of fund raising is 15 October 2012. By 30 November 2012, the filmmakers will each have produced a short film that runs at least 15-minutes long. 
Individuals interested in participating in the Fund are encouraged to invest any amount of money in one of the film projects. For any amount of HK$300 or more investors will receive a “co-producer” credit on the film, and all co-producers will be invited to join the premiere of the film that they sponsored and will receive a DVD (including all three shorts), if sufficient funds are raised to cover the cost of producing the DVDs.

Inaugural Film Projects:

Sister Kam (working title) by Lo Chun Yip

Through the story Sister Kam, Siuyea Lo portrays the environment of “lower-class” workers. By combining the genre of feature film and documentary, Lo allows the characters to speak directly to the camera and interpolates human labor within the city space. In the work Lo is never a passive observer. He actively participates in the scene, subverting the relationship between his role as director and the actors in the frame.

Director's Biography: Lo Chun Yip (b. 1986), graduated from the School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong in 2011. Since 2008, he has directed several short films, including Deep in Mind, 21 Years After, and To Be Continued. His latest work Days After n Coming was selected for the Hong Kong Independent Film Festival 2011-12 and the 36th Hong Kong International Film Festival.

Don’t Look Back in Anger by Lam Sam

Now entering their twenties, Deery and Wah B are unsatisfied with their daily lives and concerned about becoming slaves to their office jobs and a future mortgage. Not long after renting an apartment with their friends in Kwun Tong, Wah B disappears and Deery, accompanied by a group of friends, embarks upon a desperate search for Wah B in a surrealistic, industrial section of Hong Kong. Lam utilizes the mockumentary form and a non-linear narrative to highlight the social networks in the industrial area and the lives of the musicians who reside there.

Director's Biography: Lam Sam (b. 1985) is a passionate filmmaker, music lover, and social activist. Since graduating from the Department of Directing in the School of Film and TV at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, he has worked as a freelance video artist. His video works include Queer’s Pier (2007), Travelling in Dream (2008), Day After Night (2009) and his graduation work Drifting (2011). He is currently working on a new documentary Begin with a Step (selected for the CNEX 2011 Short Documentary category).

La Dolce Vita (working title) by Fredie Chan Ho Lun

La Dolce Vita is adapted from the true story of an Indonesian domestic helper who is working in a middle class family home. The main action of the story revolves around the 400 sq. ft. apartment and the natural tensions between the generations of family members and the domestic helper. The drone of daily life meshes with daily squabbles, which gradually builds into a conflagration and the film’s climax.

Director's Biography: Fredie Chan Ho Lun (b. 1984), graduated from the Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University in 2006. He worked as an editing director in the Section of Current and Public Affairs of RTHK and now focuses on independent filmmaking. His documentary works include Good Luck, Comrades! (2009), Family Burdens (2009), The Anti-XRL Campaign - Media Perspective (2010), and Poor and Destitute (2011). He has been involved in the development of feature films since 2011.

Fund Payment Options

Step One: Payment can be made via two methods:

1. Payment by Cheque: crossed cheque payable to ‘Ying E Chi Limited’
Please include (1) full name; (2) cell number; and (3) filmmaker’s name on the back of the cheque. Please post the cheque to: 4th Floor, Foo Tak Building, No. 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong

2. Payment by ATM
Bank: Bank of East Asia, Limited
Account No.: 015-154-40-02849-8
Account Name: Ying E Chi Limited

Step Two: Send an email to hkindieff@gmail.com

Please provide (1) filmmaker’s name; (2) your full name; (3) cell number; and (4) payment method.
If paying via ATM, please attach a copy of the receipt.

Step Three: A confirmation email will be sent to you after payment is verified.

Step Four: Eligible “co-producer” will be asked for permission for listing his/her name on the Ying E Chi Facebook page and website.


Translation Acknowledgement:

Mr. Christopher MATTISON, Visiting Fellow, Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Studies, City University of Hong Kong

Mr. Enoch Yee Lok TAM, Senior Research Assistant, Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Studies, City University of Hong Kong